Saturday, November 3, 2012


Anti-Aging Laser Skin Treatments and Collagen Boosters: What Works?

Exclusive one-on-one talk with Hollywood Skin Expert Kate Somerville

Skin care expert Kate Somerville with one of her favorite clients, Debra Messing.

How do the stars do it? You know what I mean. Look up their technical ages and their faces don’t match the numbers.
Kate Somerville is partly to blame. The facial and skin care expert to the stars works on the famous mugs of Demi Moore, Kate Hudson, and Felicity Huffman to name a few gorgeous and ageless women.
In yesterday’s column, Kate talked about anti-aging tips that were topical including peptides and retinols. She also said to stay away from chemical sweeteners and foods that have ten zillion things you can’t pronounce. She also suggested checking with your doc to monitor post-45 hormonal changes.
Today, Kate talks about the latest anti-aging skin technology that she practices on her stars and herself.


Q: Kate, I’m so reluctant to do anything that involves cutting or injections in the name of skin care. What is an anti-aging procedure that you recommend for the faint of heart?
Kate: “Thank God for technology. Once a year, I do some level of a peel. In the wintertime, I do a Pearl, which is a new treatment that I highly recommend for women post 45. It’s a laser that microscopically gets rid of sun damage and tightens skin. It also helps close enlarged pores and helps with sagging skin. I’ve been doing this treatment since I was 32 years old. Let’s say you’re 45 or 50 and you’ve been out in the sun. You see that your pores are a little larger and you’re noticing fine lines around your mouth or eyes. The Pearl is such a refresher. Sometimes, my clients come in and need two or three of these a year. I say for many people once a year will truly keep your skin young.”
Q: What does the Pearl do to keep your skin young?
Kate: “It takes away damage and shocks your collegian to produce more of it, which is part of looking youthful. This treatment is how women in their ’50s look like they’re in their ’30s. I swear by this sort of laser treatment.”
Q: What celeb has amazing skin with little to no Botox or filler?
Kate: “Kate Walsh has been a client of mine since 2006. She comes to my clinic, but she doesn’t do Botox or fillers. She has miracle skin.”
Q: So many of us remember that “Sex and the City” episode where Samantha has a chemical peel and her face looks like raw hamburger meat. Are there treatments with little to no down time for healing?
Kate: “There’s Laser Genesis, which has no down time. It helps build collegian and gets rid of fine lines and wrinkles. The Pearl has what I call five days of social downtime. You have to plan around it because you’re red and we put this goop on you like a Vaseline during this time, so you walk around with a greasy face. When I do my yearly Pearl, I gear my schedule for it and get some good books, so I can hang out at home.”
Q: Do you believe in micro current treatments to make skin look younger?
Kate: “We do muscle lift restoration with micro currents. We’ve been doing it for years. It really helps the face and neck skin stay in place. A lot of our beautiful starlets are rigorous when it comes to this treatment. They come in once a month to do it. It’s like going to the gym for your skin.”
Q: This isn’t an invasive treatment, but I’m wondering if the Clarisonic Face Brush is worth it?
Kate: “I love it. We use it in our treatments. A lot of our clients come in with makeup on and we want to get that layer off while getting the skin really clean. If you use the Clarisonic at home, it really does help prep the skin for exfoliation treatments and it helps your other products to penetrate.”
Q: What do you suggest for dull looking, over 50 skin?
Kate: “I’m a big believer in steaming the skin if it looks dull. You can use a pot of water or a steamer. Going in the shower is so good for you when it comes to steaming. It livens up your skin. The water plumps up the cells.”
Q: There is conflicting information when it comes to putting on product. Some say that you should put product on slightly damp skin. Others say dry skin. Your opinion?
Kate: “I like to put product on dryer skin. Then I know I’m getting the full dose of what I want.”
Q: Do you trust any DIY home tips?
Kate: “I do a lot of Epsom salts in my bath. I’ll also add some fresh goat’s milk, which is very moisturizing. I typically don’t do DIY things on my face. I’m very sensitive, so I want to use product I know won’t upset my skin.”
Q: What are the biggest mistakes women over 50 make when it comes to skin care?
Kate: “Everyone misses their neck. Take your product and run it down from your face onto your neck and to your chest. I always see women with preserved faces while at the same time they have a neck and chest that looks like they went through a war. Remember to run your serum down your neck. Also, when you get laser treatments make sure you address those areas. You’ll also have a much younger looking neck and chest if you make sure to always use your sunscreen in these areas.”
Q: Finally, what do you do about a husband or significant other who steals your Kate Somerville products? Do you just hide the stuff from him?
Kate: “All my clients say their husbands steal my Deep Tissue Repair Cream or my ExfoliKate. As for my husband, I have to tie him down and put it on him. I keep saying, ‘You’re married to Kate Somerville and your skin looks…like that?’ (She laughs.) So, I have the opposite problem of many woman!”

Visit Westside Laser and Light for the latest in Anti-Aging. 

1 comment:

  1. Don’t get stressed out. Taking on stress will hurt your skin and make you look older. Learn to combat stress by learning meditation, yoga, or some other relaxation exercises. conclusive ageexperts website
